Another Birthday Tribute to an All-Around Class Act

Author: Wendi /

The first time I met Angie I was having a "crafty lady" meeting at my house. My hair was probably a disaster, and in general, I was most likely a disheveled mess. I will skip the irony about me hosting a "crafty lady" meeting, but I will delve into my overall state, at that time.

When my girls were little, I had difficulties in getting myself together. My friend Jane calls those early Mommy years "the frump years" and nothing could describe it better for me. I swore off any pants that did not have an elastic waste band, my hair was always in a wet ponytail and I always felt frenetic, like I forgot something important but I didn't know what it was. I was sort-of like a modern-day Lucille Ball without the style.

This background information has a point, I swear. You see, I am now going to do a compare-and-contrast analysis.

Angie is one of those people who does it all, and looks fabulous while doing it. She runs a successful business, is active in the P.T.G., church, various organizations, is participating in the 3-day walk for the cure, and I have yet to see her flustered or even slightly ruffled. Ever. She is always well-dressed, perfectly groomed and never snippy. Oh, did I mention that she has two beautiful and well-mannered little girls and she is a hands-on Mom? How does she do it?

As if her accomplishments weren't enough, she also has amazing attributes, and while there are many, (good looking, honest, intelligent, wonderful sense of humor), my favorite is her quiet and non-boastful way of going about life. Her wry and self-effacing manner make her even more endearing. (By the way, I hope you do not mind too terribly that I am "tooting your horn" for you.)

Moreover, she is a great friend. With her hectic schedule she manages to make time to be there for her friends and in her unassuming and calm way, she can always be counted on. Her promises are never un-kept, no matter how difficult or trivial, for that matter. This last year, she helped my sanity when I was trapped at home sick, and even took the time out of her overloaded schedule to bring me a cheeseburger because I had a "wild craving".

I look around me, and if I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by great people that I appreciate, then I need to acknowledge this. Angie, I appreciate your ability to make us all laugh, how you always come through with quiet action and for being an all-around class act.

Happy Birthday, Pal! I hope this year brings you all the best. You truly deserve it.


Anonymous said...

Mostly, she makes me laugh my a>> off!! Seriously though. She makes me feel alright about actions I am taking (MAYBE I am not the worst mom ever) and makes me laugh no matter what. Did I say she makes me laugh???

Mainly a midwife said...

So true Wendi! Lovely tribute to Angie! Enjoy your birthday Angie!!!

Gia Quinn said...

Nicely said! And you're right - always 100% put together and never ruffled. I don't get it!!! Angie you need to give lessons :) Happy Birthday!

Passionate Purposeful Parenting said...

Wendi, what a beautiful tribute! You are a fantastic friend! Angie, from all I have seen and know of you, I agree with what Wendi wrote! I know that I don't know all of you as well, but I am blessed to have had an opportunity to meet you and get to know you some! :) What a fabulous group of friends!

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