I love summer

Author: Wendi /

I have nothing particularly interesting to say, other than I am enjoying this lazy Friday. Scratch that. I am enjoying this lazy SUMMER Friday.

As my husband hammers away on a tree house for our daughters, I look around at the lush flowers in the garden and I know it sounds corny---but I feel abundantly happy to be alive. Dusk creeps in at a slower pace, and I want to join in this pace of relaxing and not being in such a darn hurry all of the time, so I am going to do just that.

On the note of relaxation...

Lately, I have been turning off the T.V. when I am not watching it, and not leaving it on for "background sound", and I have to tell ya----it has done wonders to my harried self. There is a real disconnect for me to truly think/appreciate/ponder/question all that is going on in my current state with the blare of the commercials barging into the back of my mind. Such a little thing to make such a huge difference.

Anyway, back to summer. It is glorious.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and keep posting all of your pictures. I love to look at them!